Balenciaga Nammos is coming soon in #NammosVillage
📷 crredits: @demnagvasaliadaily
#DemnaGvasalia #Nammos #onlyatNammos #NammosWorld #NammosMykonos #Mykonos #balenciagasneakers #balenciagas #balenciagabag #balenciaga代購 #balenciagaph #balenciagalover
@NammosWord @NammosDubai
The new capital of style and art is here in Nammos Village, the most fashionable place to be and the new ultimate shopping destination. 12.000 m2 full of green and water elements with special art pieces create the ideal essence of luxury, 10’ away from Mykonos town. Live the unique Nammos Village experience and explore 5 state of the art buildings with some of the most sophisticated international luxury brands that await shoppers from around the globe to combine the Nammos beach life and gastronomic adventure with a high end shopping catwalk. Nammos Village is a groundbreaking shopping area with beauty treatments for the imperative summer rejuvenation, fashion forward clothes and absolutely essential accessories, stand by to spruce up your summer wardrobe. Nothing is left to chance; when in Nammos Village, your every stylish need is covered in the most fashionable way.
Source: nammos village